Indonesia, a country full of tropical charm and Islamic culture, often leaves a deep impression on people. A friend asked Claire, do Indonesians celebrate Christmas? What is it like to spend Christmas in hot Indonesia? Although most Indonesians are Muslims, Christmas has become a national holiday in Indonesia. So, how do Indonesian Christians spend Christmas? Why is this festival passed down in Indonesia?

The Indonesian word for Christmas is Natal, which originates from Portuguese. How to say Merry Christmas in Indonesian? Very simple, it is Selamat Hari Natal. Before we get to the point, let’s have an interesting anecdote. There is a Muslim man from Malang, East Java, who was named “Slamet Hari Natal” (Slamet Hari Natal) because he was born on Christmas Day. Sometimes, the leisurely and comfortable Indonesians really make people look back and smile.

Merayakan Slamet Hari Natal di Malang

First, let’s understand the religious background of Indonesians. Although about 88% of Indonesians are Muslims, Indonesia has advocated respecting and protecting the freedom of religious belief of every Indonesian since its founding. Even though Islam is the religion practiced by the majority, a significant number of Indonesians are Christians or Catholics. This is especially true in eastern Indonesia, including Sulawesi and West Timor, where there are large Christian populations. There are also many Chinese Indonesians in big cities who believe in Christians and Catholics.

So, why does Christmas appear in Indonesia? This goes back centuries to the colonial period. Beginning in the 14th century, North Sulawesi became a colonial possession of Portugal and Spain. In the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company came to develop here. Nearly 600 years of colonial development and the spread of religious beliefs made it extremely Westernized , and it is not surprising that Christmas is celebrated.

Santa Klaus Bawakan Hadiah untuk Anak-aanak di Flores Timur. -

There is a strong Christmas atmosphere in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, located on the island of Java. Shopping malls and stores have also launched various Christmas-themed activities and gift boxes. The packaging designs are high-end and exquisite, attracting people to shop and take photos. The major cathedrals will hold midnight masses on Christmas Eve, and there will be Christmas services on Christmas Day. The main roads near churches are usually very crowded and there will be huge crowds. In view of the religious conflicts that have occurred during Christmas in the past, the authorities will also strengthen the police force and station personnel at Christian and Catholic churches in various places to ensure that Christmas and New Year's Day celebrations can be carried out peacefully.

Hadirkan Suasana Hangat, Ini 5 Rekomendasi Tempat Menarik untuk Merayakan Natal di Jakarta - Beauty Journal
(Central Market PIK in North Jakarta)

In addition, Indonesian officials will also wish the public a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is not difficult to see officials hanging congratulatory banners on the road. Many units will also take consecutive holidays one after another. If there are urgent matters, we will wait until next year. A friend who started a business in Indonesia complained to Claire: "Indonesians often take holidays, and their work efficiency is so low. It's really puzzling." Personally, I think the key to living and developing your career in Indonesia is to do as the locals do.

Pemkot Jogja Antisipasi Reklame Kampanye Terselubung jelang HUT RI - Radar Jogja

(Local government sends Christmas greetings to the people)

Even though Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, Christmas also reflects Indonesia's multiculturalism and religious freedom. For Christians, it is a time to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, but for non-Christians, it is also a great time to gather with family and friends and enjoy the festive atmosphere. This undoubtedly strengthens the cohesion of the community and the integration of multiculturalism. The most important thing is that Indonesia is a diverse country. Christians have Christmas, Muslims have Eid al-Fitr, and Buddhists have Vesak Day, but they are all Indonesians and do not need to care too much about their different religious beliefs.

Jokowi Unggah Ucapan Selamat Natal, Warganet Malah Salfok Cari Keberadaan Kucing Oren

(President Joko Widodo delivers Christmas greetings on Instagram in the form of cartoons)