By Indo Claireon 在印尼超商很常看到小包裝販售的沐浴乳和洗衣液,基本上用一兩次就會用完,而且包裝都超難撕開,真的有人會買嗎?還是印尼人喜新厭舊,喜歡試用不同香氣的沐浴乳?獨特的文化現象背後原因令人心酸─大部分印尼人口活在貧窮線以下,就算他們知道大包...
By Indo Claireon
As the first phase of Indonesia's capital relocation project nears completion, the country is set to cele...
By Indo Claireon In Indonesia, Ramadan is one of the most important religious holidays of the year, lasting for a month. During thi...
By Indo Claireon
Indonesia, a country full of tropical charm and Islamic culture, often leaves a deep impression on people. A fri...