YAMAHA XSR155 手工皮製復古側用包包 DM Work Body Set Side Bag



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DM Work YAMAHA XSR155 印尼製手工側袋


Indo Claire很榮幸膺任印尼🇮🇩知名電單車工作室 DM Work 的授權經銷商。讓印尼商品走向世界、在國際舞台發光,是Indo Claire的經營宗旨✨

DM Work 專注Kawasaki w175、w250及Yamaha xsr150改裝零件的製作,亦有各項手工製碳纖維零件。多位香港客戶均對DM Work的手藝讚不絕口。全自家設計純手工製,亦可因應客戶要求提供專業客製化服務, DM Work 的每一件作品都是獨一無二的唷。由印尼直運至港澳台最低運費只需HK$33/kg,更可以安排運送到世界各地。

Worldwide Shipping from Jakarta Indonesia 🌎

Indo Claire所販售的所有商品均為正品,由廠商直接供貨,免卻應付中間人的費用。如需其他印尼電單車汽車零件代購,明碼實價,歡迎關注詢問。亦歡迎大家關注DM Work @dmwork.motorcycle。

題外話,DM Work 工作室位於中爪哇Surakarta(梭羅市)。對!沒錯,原來就是現任印尼總統佐科·維多多(Joko Widodo)的家鄉所在喔!!

Indo Claire is honoured to be appointed as the authorized distributor of Indonesia's leading motorcycle workshop, DM Work. Indo Claire's mission is to establish a gateway to bring top-quality Indonesian products to the rest of the world and to make Indonesia shine on the global stage.

DM Work specializes in the production of Kawasaki w175, w250 and Yamaha xsr150 motorcycle parts, as well as custom-made carbon fiber parts. DM Work's craftsmanship has been highly praised by a number of our Hong Kong customers. The customized motorcycle parts are individually handcrafted, which curates an exclusive design for your beloved motorcycle. We offer professional customization services based on the needs of our customers, and each piece of DM Work is one-of-a-kind. The minimum shipping cost from Indonesia to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan is only HK$33/kg, and we can also arrange international shipping to all over the world🌎.

Indo Claire sells only genuine products direct from the manufacturer with NO middlemen fees. If you need other Indonesian motorcycle parts, please contact us for more information. You are also welcome to visit DM Work's IG at @dmwork.motorcycle.

As an aside, DM Work's office is located in Surakarta (Solo), Central Java. Yes! That's right, it's the hometown of Indonesia's current President, Joko Widodo!!

歡迎訂購以下DM Work電單車機車零件😊
We welcome your orders for the following exclusive motorcycle parts dedicated by DM Work:

◌ Single Seat | Seat位
◌ Tank Cover | 油缸冚
◌ Headlight Cover | 頭燈
◌ Airscoop | 空氣鏟
◌ Front Fender | 前擋泥板
◌ Tail Tidy | 尾牌架
◌ Exhaust System | 排氣系統
◌ Fairing | 啡呤



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YAMAHA XSR155 手工皮製復古側用包包 DM Work Body Set Side Bag
